
Message from Chairman

Investing  in secondary market is putting hard earned money at risk with the expectation of achieving highest possible return. Though luck may favor sometimes, good knowledge of the economy, industries, listed companies and investor and market behavior are crucial for successful investment results. In addition, investor’s relationship with his/her brokerage house and the nature and quality of services offered by brokerage house also plays significant role in investment results.

At Secured Securities Limited, we focus on customer satisfaction through our services and assistance that are customer centered. We make every effort to help customers make rational investment decisions and serve to implement their decisions. While advising clients, we put ourselves in clients’ shoes i.e. we regard their money as our own.

Investment without research and analysis is just like throwing stone into the dark. We are determined to set-up a separate research and analysis department, so that every single advice and suggestion that we provide to client is objective and has a reasonable basis. We make every effort to provide new products and services to our clients through innovation and financial engineering once regulations and market conditions permit. We are determined to maintaining team work, innovative efforts, highest standards of integrity and professional ethics.
