Transaction Amount Commission
Account Opening (BO) Rs. 50 (onetime fee)
Annual Maintenance Charge (BO) Rs. 100 annually
Pledge Rs. 50 per stock
Account Freeze Rs. 25
On market transaction Rs. 25 per BO per stock per settlement ID**
Rematerialization Rs. 50 per stock
Online account access (Mero Share) Rs. 50 annually
Dematerialization Free
Statements Free
*Total fee comprises of 85% Depository Participant fee, 10% CDS and Clearing Ltd. fee and 5% SEBON fee except for On Market Transactions. ** Total fee comprises of 75% Depository Participant fee, 20% CDS and Clearing Ltd. fee and 5% SEBON fee.
2% of total paid-up value of securities to be transferred or Rs. 200 whichever is higher.* *Total fee comprises of 40% Depository Participant (DP) fee and 60% CDS and clearing Ltd. fee.
Transaction Amount Commission
Rs.100,000 or less 0.50% or Rs. 25 whichever is higher
Rs. 100,001 to Rs. 500,000 0.20% or or Rs. 500 whichever is higher
Rs. 500,001 to Rs. 1,000,000 0.15% or or Rs. 1000 whichever is higher
Above Rs. 1,000,000 0.10% or or Rs. 1500 whichever is higher
*Total fee comprises of 40% Depository Participant (DP) fee and 60% CDS and clearing Ltd. fee.